Early start in november and shut down in march. It’s been a hell of a season with lots of new lines and great adventures. my plan to ski local turned out as the right decision.
A big storm in fall covered my home mountains with a good layer of snow. During season it has been almost dry and you had to search hard for the goods. But if you found the right place at the right time, it was unbelievable.
Also started my new film project together with Backland Media and Sam Strauss Photography
- Schartenkamm 2601 m 26-11-2019
This mission was steeper than expected and turned out as a new first descent which I had in my mind for a long time. It’s a steep rock face and snow almost never stays there.
Good way to start into the new season
- Ganot 3102m 02-12-2019
walked by this line for many times but never gave it a go. So it was time….
- 3 days Schobergroup 3283m 05-01-2020
it didn’t snow for a while and it didn´t seem that there will be good snow up high. We planed this trip but didn’t expect much. Just wanted to have a good time high up in the mountains far away from civilization. But what we got was just insane. powder runs from top to bottom, the best sunsets so far and of course some icy exposed lines. This mountain range always delivers.
Perschitzkopf 3125m / Kruckelkopf 3181m / Petzeck 3283m / Keeskopf 3081m/ Hochschober 3240m
- Larmkogel 3017m 14-01-2020
It’s one of the longest and spectacular couloirs in the eastern alps. 1500m in a raw.
Going there really takes some effort which I absolut appreciate. This line is completely unknown Ended the day with 2600 verticals in my legs. (8530 feet)
- Ankogel / Hochalmspitze 3360m 21-01-2020
I teamed up with Backland Media, Sam Strauss Photography and Luca Tribondeau. This was the first mission for our new movie project. We wanted to figure out how we work together as a team and how it works carrying all the camera gear through the mountains especially sleeping there.
With one drone less we came back from a very cool mission
- Roter Knopf 3281m 07-02-2020
After the training at Hochalmspitze Backland Media, Sam Strauss Photography, Luca Tribondeau and me we were ready for the next step. We wanted to ski and film the west couloir of Roter Knopf. A beautiful steep line which i discovery back in the days. With all the heavy camera gear it didn’t make sense to ski it in one day. We stayed over night in tents and skied the line next day in perfect light and best conditions
- Mörbetzspitze 2912m 08-02-2020
During our climb up at Roter Knopf we saw this amazing line at Mörbetzspitze. Snow was just perfect and we really wanted to ski it for the movie. The problem was we didn’t had enough food and gas for staying overnight again and also the batteries for the cameras had to be recharged. We packed all our stuff and skied out the valley in the afternoon just to come back early in the morning.
- Glocknergold
Had an eye on this one for a long time but never saw it in right conditions to ski it in my style of skiing. „riding fast in steep terrain“ But this season seemed to be a good one for fast skiers.
To get into the line is a bit tricky and it´s better to be a good mountaineer as well. The lower part looks like a half pipe and it takes more then 2 minutes to ski through it.
- Tauernsilber
one of my favorite couloirs in Eastirol. Short access and mostly powder. But Sorry I forgot the name of it.
- Haunhold 2966m 08-03-2020
First and last visit to South Tyrol this winter. The same day Italy got shut down by Covid19
We found perfect conditions at this classic line and we would have come back for sure the next days to repeat some steep lines but safety first.
- Teplitzerrinne 09-03-2020
Classic line at the Lienzer Dolomites.
- Nussing 2911m 12-03-2020
last mission for this winter because everything is getting shut down by Covid19.
A huge westface with a little couloir on the left side. It’s a longtime goal and finishing season with such a perfect ride is not too bad.
Nussing 2911m 12-03-2020
- Schartenkamm 2601 m 26-11-2019
- Ganot 3102m 02-12-2019
- 3 days Schobergroup 3283m 05-01-2020
- Larmkogel 3017m 14-01-2020
- Ankogel / Hochalmspitze 3360m 21-01-2020
- Roter Knopf 3281m 07-02-2020
- Mörbetzspitze 2912m 08-02-2020
- Glocknergold
- Tauernsilber
- Haunhold 2966m 08-03-2020
- Teplitzerrinne 09-03-2020
- Nussing 2911m 12-03-2020